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DONE Watch Launch

On March 5th we helped launch DONE Watch thru the folks at Citywatch.  The Goal was to help disenfranchised and tortured Neighborhood Council’s shed light on what has been the quintessential rape, pillage and dis-empowerment of hard working community leaders who volunteer thousands of hours of their free time furthering the goals of their communities.

DONE (Department of Neighborhood Empowerment), managed by Grayce Liu and bureaucrat extraordinaire, Mike Fong, empowers NC’s to file lawsuits against the City for sheer incompetence, teaches the employees to practice the art of committing unmitigated fraud, and how to do this completely unchecked and without consequence.

If you are an NC Board Member you can get involved via the DONE Watch Facebook Page, via email at and you can submit documents and evidence here.

The goal is to “encourage” the City to take action and work towards repairing the system.  Neighborhood Council’s despite the endless incompetence from DONE, manage to do amazing things for their communities.  Hundreds of trees have been planted and watered, Dog Parks are supported and maintained, children can spend summers at wonderful theater camps, Neighborhoods have a voice in predatory development, Baseball camps get funded, Block parties that get you to know your neighbors, Candidate forums and the list goes on.

Help make a difference and demand change.